Cottage cheese thighs cellulite or orange peel refers to the fat deposits under the skin , usually in the lower abdomen and pelvic region thighs , buttocks and hips. A vast majority still cringe at hearing the word , so they have each and every one of them wants to get rid of cellulite as soon as possible.

Deposition of cellulite is mostly for hormonal reasons , poor lifestyle choices and poor diet . Age and genetic predisposition are also two important factors . However, you can get rid of cellulite. All you have to do is make some changes in your lifestyle and would be ready to show off those beautiful sexy legs . Cellulite removal becomes simple when you eat the right way !

Here , I enlisted some foods that you should include in your diet to get rid of cellulite. Just follow these simple steps and cellulite is no longer a problem in your life .

Removing cellulite with natural foods that banish cellulite

Water . It's a simple as it can get . Have plenty of water can be the magic formula to lose cellulite . Water can help detoxify and remove toxins from your body. Cellulite consists of a lot of toxins that collect fatty deposits on your skin. The water will help you lose naturally. So, have at least 2-3 liters of water everyday . Ad a little lemon juice to it - it's the best in the world to get rid of cellulite !

Change your salt intake . Replace or refined salt with Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan crystal salt . They are less acidic and not leach minerals from the body as in the case of refined salt . As much dehydration refined salt actually leads to the accumulation of cellulite in the body. So say no to refined salt .

Green is the Way. Green tea is often associated with weight loss and is a powerful antioxidant . Less fat and very effective in reducing the levels of toxicity it a perfect choice. It not only helps to get rid of cellulite , but also a very good source to increase energy expenditure . Three cups of green tea per day should be a necessity.

Fruits and vegetables. Being alkaline in nature , fruits and vegetables helps to detoxify the skin . They magnetize acidic toxins in cellulite and force them to leave the body. But you should gradually increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables so they do not magnetize a lot of toxins that your body can eliminate . Otherwise, it would move and move your body.

Natural herbs . Green and Natural Herbs can help reduce cellulite deposition of the skin. They stimulate circulation and reduce fluid retention , which helps detoxification. Try some dandelion leaves in a salad or make a juice . Ginkgo Biloba , prepared from ginkgo leaves , is another good option to get rid of cellulite buttocks, legs and thighs.

Only healthy fats. Replacing saturated fats unprocessed healthy fats in your diet. This improves the circulation of blood that effectively prevents the deposition of cellulite on the skin. Fish , fish oil and flaxseed oil are rich sources of healthy fats. Nuts also help it.

Lots of antioxidants. One of the most important and effective ways to lose body cellulite is to have a diet full of a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants is their main weapon against toxins. Neutralize toxins from the skin and thereby prevents the accumulation of cellulite. Having acai berries and citrus fruits are very high sources of antioxidants .

Follow these simple but important changes to their diet and cellulite would not be a problem in your life . So get up and get rid of cellulite and get sexy and toned legs you've always wanted .

I struggled with cellulite for over 2 years , tried everything to get rid of it ... After many failures, I managed to get rid of all cellulite naturally in only two months : making over the ground coffee daily, plant-based diet and a source of protein and drink lots of water with lemon fine . On my website : Tips on cellulite diets , free share my story , my daily routine anti -cellulite , I have followed for 2 months and my mistakes. . Also a great ebook " 7 Secrets to banish cellulite at home " does not just come here: anti -cellulite History